banking industry outlook 2020

View in article, Justin Ho, “Why banks are doubling down on wealth management services,” MarketPlace, July 23, 2019. Its planned relaxation (Volcker 2.0), in January 2020, would lift trading restrictions for midsize banks and ease compliance for larger banks.25 While the change should not greatly impact bank trading volumes, it will likely reduce banks’ compliance challenges.26, Numerous changes to the capital and stress testing framework are also underway. to study effects of MiFID II research unbundling,” TabbForum, July 26, 2019. Investing in cost data and analytics in this regard could pay long-term dividends. View in article, Gareth Jones, “Banks’ slow progress to cloud’s promised land,” Financial Times, July 19, 2019. Please see, Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment, Transaction banking: Need for bold change, Within reach? ​Disruptive forces are changing how banking is done. To unlock AI’s promise for growth and for banks to evolve from a product-centric to a customer-first organization, harnessing the potential of data will be a key focus in 2020 and beyond. Banks can add customer value by fortifying their foundation and staying true to their core identity as financial intermediaries, matching demand with supply of capital. For some time, financial institutions have had difficulty providing quality data from source through system. Through our research, roundtables, and other forms of engagement, we seek to be a trusted source for relevant, timely, and reliable insights. Mobile Everything, But Same Old Banking View in article, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Household debt and credit report.” View in article, S&P Global Ratings, Global banks midyear 2019 outlook, July 11, 2019. Challenged with legacy technology and data quality issues, most banks are unable to achieve the desired returns on their modernization initiatives.42 As a result, there might be a need to shift attention and adopt a back-to-basics approach in 2020 before banks can fully reap the rewards from advanced technologies. Further impact could come from the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), expected to go live starting January 2022, which addresses the risk-weighted assets of banks’ trading books.110 Additionally, the planned relaxation of the Volcker rule in the United States could lessen the compliance burden for banks and improve liquidity management for banks’ international operations.111 Lastly, with the ongoing Brexit uncertainty, banks’ European regional setups have been altered for good. He has more than seven years of experience in financial and market analysis. In Asia Pacific, tapering growth, declining credit quality, and eroding margins could prompt M&A. They might also consider infrastructure improvements via fintech acquisitions or managed services. Furthermore, increasing platform sophistication among buy-side and corporate clients is threatening money-making opportunities. Meanwhile, AI applications’ deployment results remain modest. View in article, World Bank, “World Bank launches market's first SSA Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) bond,” press release, August 14, 2018. Clients will be increasingly looking to their banks for guidance and a better understanding of climate risk’s potential impact on their financial and business profiles. See something interesting? And, of course, maintaining superior customer experience and seamless connectivity to an ecosystem of other apps/application program interfaces (APIs) could be the norm. Additionally, privacy-enhancing techniques can help banks derive value from data-sharing without compromising privacy.46. Copy a customized link that shows your highlighted text. View in article, Kevin Nixon, Tony Wood, and Shiro Katsufuji, Asia-Pacific financial services regulatory outlook 2019, Deloitte, 2018. Meanwhile, abundant customer data should enrich personalized experiences while increasing payment providers’ responsibilities in the areas of privacy and security. The responses to US tax reform have varied. View in article, Elisa Martinuzzi, “Wall Street outguns Europe’s banks, again,” Bloomberg, June 10, 2019. AccessFintech, which specializes in collaboration, transparency, and control to the financial services industry, is an example. Banks and capital markets firms are increasingly becoming aware of their social responsibility, and many are taking meaningful actions. We also lay out our expectations across a few domains—regulatory, technology, risk, and talent (figure 4). The Fed issued amendments to its capital planning framework Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) and the Dodd-Frank Annual Stress Testing (DFAST), which should improve the design framework and boost the transparency of both.27. However, the appetite to do deals has been suppressed, given that almost every institution is still preoccupied with internal house cleaning.162 The political realities of cross-border mergers further complicate the picture. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced in 2018 that it would begin accepting fintech bank charter applications, but a federal court recently ruled that it lacked the authority to issue a bank charter to any entity that does not have federal deposit insurance.32, Meanwhile, although cannabis has been legalized in numerous states, it remains illegal under federal law. View in article, MarketWatch, “Germany 30 year government bond,” October 29, 2019. As industry convergence accelerates in the broader economy, the need for cross-industry knowledge could become more important. The industry will likely need a more robust, forward-looking framework to successfully navigate the evolving privacy landscape. But the number of new startups has declined, which has been the trend for the last four years. They are engaging directly with financial firms (for example, conducting on-site supervisory visits) to better understand their practices.39 APAC regulators are also paying more than just lip service to conduct and culture. Meanwhile, speed bumps, which artificially slow markets to remove “latency arbitrage,” are becoming more common in the United States. View in article, Kat Van Hoof, “Top 1000 world banks 2019,” Banker, July 1, 2019. In the United States, Reg BI and the Form CRS Relationship Summary (“Form CRS”) will likely impact wealth firms’ business models, operational processes, technology infrastructure, and compliance programs.97 Firms should embed clients’ “best interest” in their governance, disclosure, process, and training procedures, even as individual states (for example, Massachusetts and New Jersey) potentially develop their own fiduciary standards. 2020 is … View in article, SIFMA and Deloitte, “A firm’s guide to the implementation of Regulation Best Interest and the form CRS relationship summary,” September 27, 2019. 2020 Will the new year see an economic slowdown and crisis as has been prophesied, or is the economy about to grow instead? Aarushi Jain is a senior analyst at the Deloitte Center for Financial Services focusing on banking and capital markets research. According to Venture Scanner data, Asia’s share of funding rose from just 9 percent in 2014 to 30 percent in 2018, even after excluding Ant Financial’s US$14 billion investment.166 That said, there appears to be no dearth of funding at a global level. Finally, on the accounting side in the United States, with the approaching replacement of an incurred loss model by a current expected credit loss (CECL) standard,134 and the wide variation in allowances set by banks, it is yet to be seen what impact, if any, the new standards might have on lending volume, pricing, terms, and underwriting criteria. Digital channels are increasingly driving growth in deposits and consumer lending,72 as evidenced by Goldman Sachs’ Marcus retail banking arm or N26, a German mobile bank. To do so, corporate banks should first consider refreshing or enhancing their relationship management capabilities by offering clients a new business proposition via digital products and services. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. This is important, as nearly four in 10 US consumers have experienced some friction with their credit card payments in the last year, with fraud being the most common complaint (figure 7). Many haven’t revisited their banking relationships, and as growth slows, banks should create enhanced offerings and incentivize clients/treasurers to make strategic shifts in their banking relations, thus prompting more competition. To manage climate risk effectively, banks might need new, robust frameworks and analytical approaches. Despite the aging platforms that need to be upgraded and new market-clearing capabilities to adjust to, the appetite for bold change in transaction banking seems limited, partly due to the lack of real urgency, and partly due to the notion “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Stable performance and short-term-oriented leadership have likely hindered innovation. Change is on the horizon, and the future landscape for corporate banks will likely be marked by evolving client expectations, business model and workforce shifts, and disruptive technologies.130 Demand for real-time liquidity and funding is expected to grow. Even with recent efforts by Chinese regulators to stimulate lending and offset the impact from declining exports, corporate loans in China have sharply fallen over the year,126 and corporate bond defaults have soared.127. While concern still exists about fintechs’ growth and their impact on the financial system,169 regulators are encouraging innovation through sandboxes and new charters or licenses.170. He has more than 20 years of experience in research and marketing strategy. To figure out how this shift might impact talent, and—most important—what to do about it, bank leaders will need to understand not just changes to the nature of work (the what and the how) but also the workforce (the who) and the workplace (the where)—all of which are greatly interrelated.57, When it comes to the future of work, many banks have started to explore automating manual, routine tasks by scaling technology from siloed use cases to larger processes across the enterprise. Despite the competition from fintechs, US bank consumers’ trust in and satisfaction with their banks as custodians of their money and financial data remained generally high. 4 2020 Global bank regulatory outlook Four major themes dominating the regulatory landscape in 2020 3.“Regulation of virtual asset trading platforms” Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (HKSFC) position paper, November 2019. Wealthtechs, increasingly partnering with incumbents, could also be an important part of this ecosystem. In Bank Innovation’s State of Banking Innovation in 2016 survey, we asked the survey’s 171 respondents — the majority of whom self-identified as bankers —what they thought banking will be like in 2020. 0. Consumer privacy has become an increasingly complex and contentious topic, as the tools and technologies capturing data about every facet of our lives have proliferated. View in article, Kevin Laughridge, Ketan Bhole, and Abhijit Kumar, “Digital transformation hits core banking,” Deloitte, July 27, 2019. Regulatory divergence, geopolitical instability, and the possibility of a downturn have created a host of impending risks, requiring financial institutions to rethink traditional approaches to risk management.48 Additionally, nonfinancial risks remain top of mind for regulators and banks alike, and many have begun to sharpen their focus on this emerging subset of risks. Some have attempted to push through the ambiguity (for instance, by repapering cross-border contracts); others are awaiting further clarity, which may lead them to consider recalibrating business models and strategies. View in article, “Top 1000 world banks 2018,” Banker, July 2, 2018. Open banking, in this context, is quickly becoming a differentiator and a way to lock in clients. Though a positive momentum is anticipated for Asia Pacific deal landscape, Europe is expected to see a setback in deal activity. Institutions now must contend with numerous requirements that are often unfinalized or under revision. A glance at Vietnam’s financial & banking industry 2020 Wednesday 01, 07 2020 As of June 19, 2020, Vietnam’s credit growth reached only 2.45% while insurance business activities met difficulties, and the stock market fell sharply with the total capital mobilization of 6 months decreased by 37% compared to the same period last year. View in article, EuroMoney, “Americas private banking debate: Internationalization is the future,” May 23, 2019. View in article, Alex Harris, Paul Cohen, and Rizal Tupaz, “MetLife breaks ground with $1 billion bond based on LIBOR heir,” Bloomberg, August 30, 2018. The banking industry is up for major transformation in the upcoming years. As part of our Global banking M&A outlook H2 2020 report, we explore the areas of the overall banking sector most likely to be impacted, including valuation and profitability. Val Srinivas is the banking and capital markets research leader at the Deloitte Center for Financial Services. Powerful forces are shaping the industry PwC Retail Banking 2020 5 Against this background, 70% of global banking executives believe it is very important to form a view of the banking market in 2020 – to understand how these global trends are impacting the banking system in … Next, banks should consider digitizing front- and back-office functions to boost operating efficiency and deliver the seamless, digitally enhanced experience that corporate clients increasingly crave. Mid-sized banks seek M&A shelter 2019 saw a lot of merger and acquisitions activity in the payments and brokerage sectors driven by fee compression. Fullwidth SCC. Do not delete! View in article, DigFin Group, “DBS leveraging of APIs yielding profits,” March 24, 2019. February 11, 2020. ... Bank Of Industry Ltd Central Bank Of Nigeria Talent will become more important for banks as the blend of capabilities in complex finance, coding, and soft skills necessary to drive deals forward will likely be in short supply.107 Banks should revisit their talent model, accordingly. As we enter a new decade, banks should also fortify their core foundation on multiple dimensions, including technology infrastructure, data management, talent, and risk management. Globally, banks account for approximately 55 percent of the US$3.2 trillion leveraged loan market,128 and it continues to be a major concern for regulators and analysts worldwide, given the increasing risks. For instance, debt issuances as well as trading volumes of exchange-traded futures and swaps tied to SOFR continue to increase. View in article, Liz Hoffman, “Big banks reach for small deals as merger boom slows,” Wall Street Journal, April 2, 2019. View in article, Rimma Kats, “The mobile payments series: China,” eMarketer, November 7, 2018; Rimma Kats, “The mobile payments series: The UK,” eMarketer, November 6, 2018; Rimma Kats, “The mobile payments series: US,” eMarketer, November 9, 2018. These banks include Bank of America, Citi, Deutsche Bank, and JPMorgan Chase. Data as of Nov. 15, 2019. Institutions should also take a closer look at talent and equip their tax departments with the right people to best recalibrate to the latest realities. Economic fundamentals are strong, the regulatory climate is favorable, and transformation technologies are more readily accessible, powerful, and economical than ever before. 2018-16—derivatives and hedging (topic 815): Inclusion of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), Overnight Index Swap (OIS) Rate as a benchmark interest rate for hedge accounting purposes, Rising sea levels could cost the world $14 trillion a year by 2100, Temperature and growth: A panel analysis of the United States, Fed readying financial system for climate-change shocks, Central banks are thinking greener as climate change hits policy, Network for greening the financial system, Task force on climate-related financial disclosures, Central bankers, supervisors and climate-related risks, Achieving gender equity in financial services leadership, Executing the open banking strategy in the United States, Recognizing the value of bank branches in a digital world, The value of online banking channels in a mobile-centric world, Fair valuation pricing survey, 17th edition, executive summary, The digital banking global consumer survey, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability. The Fed’s announcement to enter the faster payments space as an operator of FedNow is a noteworthy development.80 While use cases of faster payments span the spectrum, business-to-business (B2B) payments—where there are still rampant inefficiencies, such as paper-based invoicing, check payments, and tedious reconciliation processes—often holds the most promise. The Future of Pakistan Banking Markets to 2020- Trends, Outlook, Economic and Profitability Analysis, Key Ratios, Market Structure ... 4 OUTLOOK OF COMMERCIAL BANKING INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN 4.1 Total Assets and Liabilities Forecast, 2005-2020 4.2 Aggregate Loans Forecast, 2005- 2020 Very few banks, however, report that they have applied emerging technologies to the risk management function,51 which could be a missed opportunity. Banks can add customer value by fortifying their foundation and staying true to their core identity as financial intermediaries, matching demand with supply of capital. 5. With this disruption, though, comes endless opportunity. View in article, SIFMA and Deloitte, “A firm’s guide to the implementation of Regulation Best Interest and the form CRS relationship summary.” View in article, David Trainer, “How AI can help advisors grow and keep assets,” Seeking Alpha, April 4, 2018. As challenges grow tougher, jobs get more complicated, and expectations of business and Deloitte grow, the connections we make will be more important than ever. They are increasingly taking a harder stance on misconduct and have set stringent expectations for professionalism and conduct.40. Many current financial privacy policies, however, fail to address the complexities of privacy that have emerged due to the latest technological advances, such as wearables, commercial sensors, and virtual assistants. The European Parliament’s recent revisions to the Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation (commonly known as CRD5 and CRR2) are considered to be a win for the banking union. And while banking is changing, so, too, could the purpose of banks. More than 50 countries have either implemented or plan to implement faster payments solutions,79 many sponsored by regulators. Financial institutions on high alert for major cyber attack, Just how much are financial institutions spending on cybersecurity? Increasingly, differentiation and premium pricing will be driven by “payments+” services. High on the priority list are provisions for taxation of global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) and the base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT). View in article, Erica Volini et al., Leading the social enterprise: Reinvent with a human focus, 2019 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends, Deloitte Insights, April 11, 2019. Czech Banking Industry Outlook 2020. According to Deloitte’s 2021 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook, “the banking industry will confront a range of challenges in 2021, many ongoing, but also some new obstacles. A BICRA (Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment) is scored on a scale from 1 to 10, ranging from the lowest -risk banking systems (group 1) to the highest- risk (group 10). She is also a digital payments enthusiast and analyzes the latest trends in the payments industry. The current low unemployment rates and tight labor markets further complicate the picture. See the digital banking industry trends of 2021. What is Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI)? For privately sponsored digital currencies, payments providers should proactively work with regulators and ecosystem partners. This situation may not change for the foreseeable future. Wadhwani researches and writes on a variety of topics, including banks’ digital transformation and Deloitte’s annual banking and capital markets outlook. View in article, John Arvanitis, “Bipartisan AML bill is just the right touch,” American Banker, August 2, 2019. View in article, Osato Avan Nomayo, “EU needs a ‘common approach’ to crypto regulation says commissioner,” Bitcoinist, October 8, 2019. Read the. Instead, APAC regulators continue to focus on operating a reformed supervisory system. View in article,, “No bank employee will be hurt in consolidation of PSU banks, assures govt,” August 30, 2019. What does an optimal risk management operating model look like? It will be some time before we find out, and this year’s main tech trends offer technologies that can help banks to prepare for both scenarios at the same time. Most European banks, on the other hand, will be forced to rethink their global ambitions and pick the businesses they want to succeed in, though they must be careful not to discard core functions to remain competitive in the future. Finding fresh value streams outside loans will likely become an imperative, especially as economic uncertainty weighs on loan demand and as more fintechs (such as Kabbage132 or StreetShares133) enter the lending space with alternative models. − The outlook bias on bank ratings has turned markedly negative since April 2020. View in article, Vanya Damyanova, “Global securities services banks’ revenues hit 6-year high in 2018,” S&P Global Market Intelligence, April 12, 2019. And, of course, potential risks from geopolitical tensions, such as Brexit or the ongoing trade wars, warrant constant attention. Startups are choosing to stay private longer for this reason. 05 February 2020 2. View in article, Sarah Hansen, “The future of lending: Fintech 50 2019,” Forbes, February 4, 2019. Providers should increasingly focus on addressing the right pain points and reorienting product design to be experience-focused. Because the United States doesn’t have a comprehensive federal privacy standard that protects all types of US consumer information (including financial data), some states such as California, New York, and Vermont have begun to craft their own mandates.31. View in article, Riccardo Colacito, Bridget Hoffman, and Toan Phan, “Temperature and growth: A panel analysis of the United States,” WP 19-9, March 30, 2018. However, data that resides in banks’ siloed systems is just one piece of the puzzle. Industry. 2020 banking and capital markets outlook Disruptive forces are changing how banking is done. But who would lead this augmented workforce? Global investment in banking startups has quadrupled from 2014 to 2018165 and could reach US$39 billion in 2019 if the strong investment flows of the first three quarters of 2019 continue (figure 9). Though many firms feel they have a handle on more traditional financial risks,156 financial crime is entering a new age. The search for a new identity by market infrastructure players, stable returns, and higher margins will likely prompt further consolidation worldwide, especially if the economics become more challenging. At the same time, they are looking ahead to new risks—such as LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) transition, business resiliency, and technological change and innovation. Lastly, wealth managers should follow the money to attain long-term growth. Nevertheless, scale and efficiencies will be dominant factors. Bank leaders can start by contemplating what might be an optimal risk management model.49 They should first reevaluate their lines of defense to determine where duplicative efforts likely exist between the first line (where risk is owned and managed) and second (where risk is overseen) .50 Eliminating these siloed and redundant risk management practices could allow them to overcome cost and process inefficiencies and enable the first line to take on more ownership of risk. Financial institutions no longer face individual, rogue hackers but an ecosystem of highly skilled bad actors and nation-states. View in article, Alexander Osipovich, “Exchanges face higher hurdles in boosting data fees,” Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2019; John McCrank, “Exclusive: SEC scrutinizes fairness of stock exchange pricing,” Reuters, March 7, 2019. Payment providers will also be forced to expand alternative revenue streams. Banking Regulatory Outlook in 2020. View in article, Alexander Osipovich, “More exchanges add ‘speed bumps,’ defying high-frequency traders,” Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2019. Moreover, with rapid increases in private wealth, Asian markets cannot be ignored as a potential client base. From Trump to Biden: Thai auto parts exporters should hasten to adjust their strategies to cope with several major changes in the US (Current Issue No.3161) Entering 2021, the Thai auto parts industry may have to contend with new challenges that have emerged in the US, one of its primary importers. In 2020, further exploration of regulator-sponsored digital currency systems, such as those in China, and deliberation on appropriate cryptocurrency regulation86 may go hand-in-hand. While real-time information flows will be pervasive, tools and models that fuse multiple technologies—from machine learning, blockchain, cloud, 5G, and quantum computing—will be increasingly common in transaction banking, as in other businesses. BICRA changes in 2019* The industry could see unbundling of the value chain, with players focusing on what they do best, while other parts are outsourced. Banks need to choose what posture they want to adopt - to lead the change, to follow fast, or to manage for the present. Explore the findings from our most recent report and scroll for past years’ reports. “The new EU law on intermediate holding companies for third-country banking groups,” March 26, 2019. View in article, Andrew Ackerman and Kate Davidson, “Trump Administration aims to privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” Wall Street Journal, September 5, 2019. This will be compounded by the crowding out of private debt by government schemes and borrowers looking to repay debt as the economy recovers. Overall, though, a good deal of the innovation in payments is happening in emerging markets, where mobile adoption and low-cost quick response (QR) technology are making digital payments the norm. The new promise of open banking across the industry, meanwhile, could pave the way for platform banking. The number of mega deals (US$100 million or more) in banking reached almost 70 in 2018, from just 26 in 2014167—another sign that the fintech landscape is maturing, with late-stage startups attracting a greater share of funding. Australia has even applied an expansive set of rules on consumer data rights and data-sharing to other industries as well.75 To date, there are no signs of new open banking regulations being developed in the United States, but banks are starting to craft their own guidelines voluntarily. View in article, Val Srinivas, Sam Friedman, and Tiffany Ramsay, Reimagining privacy for the digital age, Deloitte Insights, May 20, 2019. View in article, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, “10-year treasury constant maturity minus 2-year treasury constant maturity,” October 28, 2019. 2014-2019 & forecast to 2022, ” January 8, 2018 stifling regulation their technology risk... 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