army sustainment brigade spo

c. Plant 2000, Plant 2001 4. Div. Ultimately, the forward positioning and proper resourcing of FMTs allow the company trains to rapidly fix forward at the tactical point of need, or evacuate both casualties and NMC equipment from the company area to BN collection points.CTCP Purpose and Organization—Regenerate Combat PowerThe primary purpose of the CTCP is to regenerate combat power and return it to the unit’s fighting formations. Brigade Leadership. The support operations (SPO) section oversees external sustainment and prepares long-term plans within the future operations section.The S-4's sustainment functional cell (which includes the S … Div. Commander. Having the VSAT forward allows ordering as fast, and as often, as the company/troop/batteries push 5988s to the CTCP. Jason Bost was assigned as brigade S4 and support operations officer, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, and is currently assigned to U.S. Army Cadet Command as an Assistant Professor of Military Science at Cameron University. Finally, brigades should establish clear SOPs for casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) and medical evacuation (MEDEVAC). Bde. Bost earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Illinois State University. Having the VSAT at the CTCP provides the capability of ordering and receiving a Class IX (repair parts) part on the next LOGPAC to fix a NMC pacer. Maj. By embracing a higher-level of precision in sustainment planning and preparation, brigades increase their chances of mission success during training and combat.This article provides scaffolding for the development of the COS and unit SOPs, anchored on three pillars. ATP 4-93.1 describes the Army combat sustainment support battalion’s characteristics, capabilities, organizations, and operational processes. #goarmy #westpoint #armynavygame The officers, non-commisioned officers and Soldiers of the 1AD Sustainment BDE are professional, skilled warriors who contine to set the standard every day. By Lt. Col. Gabe Pryor and Maj. Jason BostOctober 21, 2020, “Sustainment doctrine is heavy on the ‘what’ and ‘who,’ but light on the ‘how’ for both maneuver and sustainment commanders. The CTCP coordinates the retrograde of equipment to the brigade support area and evacuation of casualties to the Role II MTF Brigade Support Medical Company (BSMC), as necessary.The key personnel located at the CTCP are the Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) commander, HHC first sergeant, HHC executive officer (XO) and the S1 (administration) and S4 (logistics). Maintaining the larger portion of bench stock and SSL forward at the CTCP (in mobile storage) allows the BMT and FMTs quick access to fix forward at the tactical point of need. Today, Special Troops Battalion, 25th Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade is presenting Impact AAM to the SPO Team, SGT Smith, SGT Thompson, and SPC Martin for their outstanding performance, hard work and commitment during the JRTC redeployment mission. The positioning of FSCs within the BSA facilitates the FSCs twice-daily LOGPAC and successful execution of distribution operations.There are five primary benefits to arraying the FTCPs in the BSA. Vision Colonel Brad A. Bane assumed the duties as commander of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade June 2020. O/O support Counter Fire Task Force, NEO, Base Force Protection and build combat power. ATP 4-93.1 is a new publication. Notional special troops battalion ... Chapter 1 provides an overview of the role of the sustainment brigade in Army operations. FTCPs are located at the BSA to allow forward support companies to request, receive, organize, and configure loads for distribution. The Knight's Brigade is comprised of Soldiers, Civilians, and Local Nationals serving throughout Europe. The SPO and battalion leaders filled these slots through frequent communication with personnel managers at the brigade, regional medical command, and Army Human Resources Command. History Fact Sheets Units. Government Organization. The VSAT also provides a communications platform for maintenance processes, attendance of brigade maintenance meetings via Defense Conference Services, and a means for the BN S1 to conduct daily reporting.The temptation to position the VSAT at the BSA based on past SOPs is persistent, but delays the ordering of high priority parts until 5988 equipment maintenance and inspection work-sheets from the FLOT arrive at the BSA, with the FSC returning from LOGPAC. When the CSSB arrives at the BSA, ADC assets must be on hand and empty to receive the resupply, which is especially critical for Class III (petroleum, oil, and lubricants-bulk) supply. Knights Pride: Deeds not Words . Sustainment brigade SPO ..... 2-9 Figure 2-5. Unified land operations describe how the Army operates through simultaneous offensive, defensive, and stability or defense support of civil authorities’ tasks. The ATP explains how a sustainment brigade operates to sustain Army forces as part of Army unified land operations. Sust. !e SPO increased operational planning and coordination with the 593rd Sustainment Brigade at JBLM, and participated in semian-nual events such as the I Corps G4 Logistics Conference resulting in increased interoperability with CF capabilities that contributed to local OEF-A pre-mission training events and theater security co- 25th Sustainment Brigade Provide mission command of theater opening, distribution, and sustainment operations (transportation, maintenance, supply, field services, and personal services) at the tactical and operational levels in order to enable the conduct of unified land operations across the spectrum of conflict within the USPACOM area of responsibility. Army transformation strategy addresses the imperative to change the Army from a Cold War-oriented design to one ... management center [DMC]), the ESC headquarters SPO (in the DMC), and the Sustainment Brigade headquarters SPO. During the fight, the CTCP regenerates combat power through the repair of damaged equipment and the treatment of casualties at the Role I BN Aid Station (BAS). GCSS-Army Mission Statement: Field an Army automated information system as the primary tactical logistics enabler to support Army and Joint Transformation of Sustainment using an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The BN’s Role 1 assets typically include three or four ambulances (M113s or M997s) that they can provide to evacuate patients from Role 1 to the AXP, as the mission dictates.The responsibility for MEDEVAC from the AXP to the Role 2 BSMC falls on the BSMC evacuation platoon. Kandahar Airfield has been one of the largest through points for the country because of its location in the south and its proximity to the Pakistan border. We must think about the sustainment fight in decisive action as the synchronization of the distribution loops of materiel. Cmd. The extraction can occur utilizing the MEDEVAC company ambulance (M113 Armored Personnel Carrier or M997 HMMWV Ambulance), when casualty numbers are low, or by a nonstandard CASEVAC vehicles (Humvees or light medium tactical vehicles (LMTV) when casualty numbers are high. Execution Management for _____ occurs at the Brigade SPO or equivalent while Materiel Management for _____ at the Sustainment Brigade or equivalent. The primary purpose of the company trains is to evacuate casualties and non-mission capable (NMC) equipment from the company area to battalion (BN) collection points and to request and distribute company supplies. Additionally, some of the battalion Equipment Record Parts Specialists (ERPS) clerks at the CTCP with access to Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-Army) pro-vide the ability to open faults on NMC equipment, order parts, and maintain the SSL. Second, brigades should establish clear standards for logistic packages (LOGPAC), accounting for methods of distribution under mission, and operational variables such as mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) and political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and time. Pryor earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Gonzaga University and a Master of Policy Management from Georgetown University. ADP 4-0, Sustainment, is the Army’s principal sustainment doctrine that captures the most critical lessons from a decade of continuous, small scale, land combat. He most recently served as the chief of staff of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command located in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and previously served as the Army War College Fellow at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. The COS should specify distribution methods, key sustainment node locations, and methods for evacuation of medical casualties and NMC equipment. Mission dependent, the BSMC should preposition Role 2 M113s forward at Role 1 in order to expedite patient transport between the two MTFs. Distribution is primarily accomplished through three methods, which include:Supply point distributionUnit distributionThroughputTo synchronize distribution while operating across extended distances and durations, the COS must specify both the method of distribution, the location, and function of key sustainment nodes. Example sustainment brigade supporting echelon above corps and ports ... ATP 4-93.1 describes the Army combat sustainment support battalion’s characteristics, capabilities, organizations, and operational processes. The Army’s contribution to joint operations is unified land operations executed through decisive action and guided by the Army’s approach to command and control, mission command. Brigade logistics is hard; this should incentivize leaders to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) that are clear and concepts of support (COS) that are precise. DOD Safe Helpline: 877-955-5247 24 hour Hotline: 309-229-8412 From all of us at the 25th Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, Go Army, Beat Navy!!! As part of the early 21st century transformation of the United States Army from a division-based structure to a brigade-based army; the division support commands, corps support groups, and area support groups were inactivated and transformed to sustainment brigades (previously called sustainment units of action (SUS or SUA). AFSBn Korea AFSBn NEA 404th. Ultimately, this article argues that brigades could minimize friction and avoid failure by adopting a more specific and standardized approach to sustainment efforts.Company Trains Purpose and OrganizationThe most immediate and reactive sustainment echelon to the changing battlefield environment is the company trains. Col. Gabe Pryor recently commanded the 47th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, and is currently assigned to the division G-4, 1st Armored Division. Since the arrival time of the CSSB resupply to the BSA can be unpredictable, it is critical that the ADC is present in the BSA to receive the full resupply quantity from the CSSB. 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade Mission: 2ID SBDE provides sustainment support to 2ID/RUCD and 8A. Actions at the POI include establishing security, treatment by self-aid/buddy-aid or combat lifesaver, and preparation for movement to the casualty collection point (CCP). AXPs that echelon wheeled ambulances, forward coupled with prepositioning Role 2-tracked ambulances, at select Role 1 locations will significantly decrease the rate of patients dying of wounds. A sustainment brigade is designed to operate independently in a theater of operations, in conjunction with other sustainment brigades under the command of a sustainment command (expeditionary), or directly under a theater sustainment command. Share on Twitter Army Sustainment is the Department of the Army’s official professional bulletin on sustainment. Kandahar Airfield has been one of the largest through points for the country because of its location in the south and its proximity to the Pakistan border. The evening LOGPAC retrieves the completed 5988Es and provides them to the BN ERPS clerks at the CTCP who add the faults and order parts in GCSS-Army where the NMC information becomes digital. Configuring loads by company becomes particularly important with Class IX repair parts. The 43d Sustainment Brigade's support operations supply and services section (SPO S&S) gained responsibility for Kandahar Airfield, one of the most important logistics hubs in the country. This is one too many and in my 30+ years of experience, three loops has been nearly impossible to synchronize. Field Manual (FM) 4–90, Brigade Support Battalion, states that the S–3 officer— ATP 4-93.1 is a new publication. When higher numbers of casualties are anticipated, it is imperative to predesignate CASEVAC vehicles.The responsibility for MEDEVAC from the Role 1 MTF to the Ambulance Exchange Point (AXP) falls on the maneuver BN to execute. The sustainment brigade for administrative support. AFSBn Alaska AFSBn Hawaii 403rd. The 1AD Sustainment BDE is prepared to deploy and provide support to units world-wide. The SPO establishes working relationships and interacts with the division’s sustainment brigade and corps-level support units. His military education includes Ordnance Basic Officer Leadership Course; Combined Logistics Captains Career Course, and Command and General Staff College.Maj. 5988Es are then distributed to the platoons and operators who complete the preventative maintenance checks and services and have the FMT mechanics verify and research the faults. Upon return, the 10th DISCOM immediately began to transform to meet the new Army requirements. The MCO or MCS also provides supervision of BN ERPS clerks that open faults, order parts, and organize supplies into company configured loads to push forward with the FSC distribution platoons’ twice daily LOGPAC. The 3rd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade is led by COL Steve Erickson and CSM Toby Grisham. SPO executive director promoted into Senior Executive Service at ASC ASC employees at Tobyhanna Army Depot receive DOD packaging award Three employees with the Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center, Tobyhanna Attachment, U.S. Army Sustainment Command, received the Department of Defense award for excellence June 5 in a virtual ceremony at Tobyhanna Army Depot, … The sustainment brigade provides heavy transportation, supply, ammunition, fuel, and food and water support. FMI 4-93.2 The Sustainment Brigade February 2009 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade Mission: 2ID SBDE provides sustainment support to 2ID/RUCD and 8A. Additionally, approximately 20% of the elements of the FSC distribution and maintenance platoons, the BAS, and the unit ministry team are located at the CTCP. FMT mission requirements typically dictate the following items from the modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE):One M88 recovery vehicleA contact truck with VRC-89/90/92F radio and Joint Capabilities Release (JCR) systemForward Repair System (FRS) mounted on a Palletized Loading System (PLS) with a M1076 Palletized Load Sys-tem (PLS) Trailer and Container Roll-in/Out Plat-forms (CROPs)M1083 Medium Tactical Vehicle with storage shelter to carry select bench stock and smaller shop stock listing (SSL) parts to enable rapid forward repair of combat systems to the maneuver companyThe SSL should be tailored to support the equipment density in the maneuver company (analysis is available from United States Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity Logistics Analysis Division to stock most frequently ordered items). For example, an FSC will usually resupply their BNs through twice-daily LOGPAC (unit distribution). By Lt. Col. Gabe Pryor and Maj. Jason Bost October 21, 2020. First, brigades should standardize and resource sustainment nodes at echelon, including the company trains, combat trains command post (CTCP), field trains command post (FTCP), and brigade support area (BSA). Headquarters, Department of the Army The company trains perform five key functions, the priorities of which change based on mission:Submit a logistics status (LOGSTAT) request to re-supply (via radio, digital, or paper) to the CTCP, with Class III (petroleum, oil, and lubricants) and Class V (ammunition) supply prioritizedFacilitate the repair and return of combat systems by the field maintenance team (FMT) to the maneuver companiesConduct resupply via logistics release point (LRP) operationsProvide evacuation of casualties to Role I Medical Treatment Facility (MTF)Perform evacuation of NMC equipment to the unit maintenance collection point (UMCP) in the CTCPTo highlight the second function, company trains require the FMT to repair and return NMC combat systems to the fight or to evacuate vehicles that are not repairable in four hours to the CTCP. The linchpin of BCT sustainment centers on ensuring that BN FTCPs are located in the BSA. Its mission is to publish timely, ... mostly from the sustainment brigade SPO section. When in theater, a sustainment command (expeditionary) will report to the theater sustainment command. The exercise contained within the TSP is designed to conduct Support Operations (SPO) centric and Command and Control (C2) collective training in integrating all elements of functional logisti… This lack of detail leaves too much room for misunderstanding between commanders, especially for sustainment operations inside brigade combat teams where tactical operations and sustainment tasks must be closely coordinated. Positioning either the MCO or MCS—whomever is not at the CTCP—at the FTCP is critical to maximizing their experience to ensure the repair or evacuation of NMC equipment. The brigade later adopted 10 th Sustainment Brigade … O/O provide sustainment to WMD-E operations. Welcome to the 1AD Sustainment Brigade, the premier Sustainment Brigade in the United States Army. A sustainment brigade has a joint capability that allows the Army to better manage the flow of logistics into the area of operations (AO) and provides support to other services for common logistics like fuel, common ammo, medical supplies, repair parts of wheeled vehicles, and so forth. In this capacity, the incumbent advises the SPO and Battalion Commander on all aspects of logistics management, plans, programs, resource allocation, and support operations of the Battalion. The process of sharing SSL becomes even more effective when maintenance meetings are conducted face-to-face daily with BN XOs or BMTs in the BSA.Fourth, twice-a-day LOGPAC provides the means to complete daily 5988E exchange. Filling the low-density MOS positions was a particular challenge since these positions are for senior NCOs and this was a new type of unit with which they were unfamiliar. Company trains are typically one distinguishable terrain feature, approximately one to four kilometers, behind the forward line of troops (FLOT). They use their six M113s (or M997s, depending on road conditions and terrain) to clear casualties from AXPs back to the Role 2 MTF. Additional forces located at the FTCP are elements of the FSC distribution and maintenance platoons (approximately 80%), the field feeding team (FFT), and the company supply sergeant. The FTCP also maintains the larger and less mobile portion of the SSL (major assemblies) to facilitate the FSCs configuration of those parts for transport and push forward on LOGPAC by the FSC to the company LRP. This consolidation of FTCPs in the BSA also allows BNs to share SSL through the Movement In Goods Out process in GCSS-Army, allowing each BN access to 2200 lines of SSL as opposed to the 300 maintained by the individual BNs. It is written for commanders, Numerous BN battle rhythm events can be conducted in the UMCP to induce face-to-face decision making, including the BN maintenance meeting and logistics synchronization meeting (LOGSYNC).FTCP Purpose and Organization—Receive, Configure, and Deliver SuppliesThe purpose of the FTCP is to receive, configure, and deliver all classes of supply to the companies via LOGPAC. Sustaining Brigade Logistics: Concepts of Support, SOPs Critical to Long-Term Sustainment of BCT. The loops described in sustainment doctrine are from the CSSB to the BSB, the BSB to the FSC and the FSC to the Company Trains. The morning LOGPAC delivers clean hard copy 5988Es from the FTCP or the CTCP to the LRP and distributes them to the company first sergeants. In addition during high operations tempo, the FSC commander is able to coordinate with the BSB commander to gain authority to temporarily increase logistics capabilities at the CTCP based on METT-TC factors in order to facilitate twice daily LOGPAC while maintaining a safe work rest cycle for the distribution platoon.CASEVAC and MEDEVAC OperationsTo conduct effective CASEVAC with the number of casualties expected in decisive action, it is important to clearly delineate the battlefield areas of responsibility between the line company, the maneuver BN and the BSB medical company.The responsibility for evacuation of casualties from the point of injury (POI) to the Role 1 Battalion Forward Aid Station or Main Aid Station typically located at the combat trains falls on the line company medics and the first sergeants, utilizing primarily CASEVAC. Locating the battalion maintenance technician (BMT), and either the maintenance control officer (MCO) or maintenance control sergeant (MCS), at the CTCP is critical to maximize the experience on site to fix NMC equipment as far forward as possible and rapidly return fully mission-capable equipment to the fight. Brigade combat teams that spend time thinking about how they will sustain themselves will have greater success when operating across extended distances for long durations, in both training and combat operations.--------------------Lt. Cmd. The sustainment brigade is designed to provide mission command for combat support and combat service support units. READ THIS FIRST! FTCPs located outside of the BSA create another loop in the supply chain which often results in mission failure when the Alpha Distribution Company (ADC) distribution platoon assets are not present at the BSA when the CSSB resupply arrives.Key personnel located at the FTCP are the FSC commander, FSC first sergeant, FSC XO, and representatives from the BN S1 and S4. First, it allows the SPO to tailor asset allocation for LOGPAC operations and maximize sustainment responsiveness. Those functions are completed by the FSC and occur simultaneously as the BSA receives all classes of supply and personnel replacements for the brigade from the CSSB. CTCP mission requirements typically dictate the following MTOE:Two M88 Recovery Vehicles and one M984A4 Recovery Truck (Wrecker)Two High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) Shop Equipment Maintenance Contact TrucksAN/VRC-89/90/92F Vehicular Radio Set and Joint Capabilities Requirements (JCR) Tactical Operations Center (TOC) KitOne Forward Repair System (FRS) mounted on a PLSOne Standard Automotive Tool Set (SATS) trailerOne Load Handling System (LHS) with M1076 PLS Trai-ler and CROPsOne M978 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) A4 fuel servicing truck (tanker) with Tank Rack Module (TRM)Additionally, the maneuver BN Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and a Combat Service Support Automated Information System Interface must be at the CTCP. O/O support Counter Fire Task Force, NEO, Base Force Protection and build combat power. FTCP mission requirements typically dictate the following equipment requirements:One M984A4 Recovery Truck (Wrecker)One HMMWV Contact Shop Equipment Maintenance TruckAN/VRC-89/90/92F Vehicular Radio Set and JCR TOCsEight Load Handling System (LHS) with M1076 PLS trailersFive M978 HEMTTA4 fuel trucksFive TRMsOne LHS-compatible Water Tank RackOne Unit Water Pod System (Camel II)One Containerized KitchenOne Multi-Temperature Refrigerated Container SystemOne Light Capability Rough Terrain Forklift (4K RTFL)One M1088 Medium Tactical Vehicle “Bobtail”One M129A1 Semitrailer Van, containing the Combined Arms Battalion SSLDistribution and LOGPAC OperationsThe purpose of the BSA is to receive, configure and distribute all classes of supply for the brigade combat team. sustainment brigade current staff organizations and command post cells. However, when required, the SPO can utilize the ADC fuel, water, or transportation assets to augment an FSC or to conduct a BDE LRP to provide endurance specifically when the battlefield expands and distribution distances are extended and more taxing, especially in a successful offensive operation.Second, this technique is beneficial for receipt of bulk supplies from the CSSB resupply to the ADC assets in the BSA. “The SPO is the largest section in the brigade with overall responsibility of all logistics management and advisory duties to the brigade commander.” “The 77th Sustainment Brigade has the honor of maintaining a storied legacy,” said Kwon. The 43d Sustainment Brigade's support operations supply and services section (SPO S&S) gained responsibility for Kandahar Airfield, one of the most important logistics hubs in the country. His military education includes Ordnance Basic Officer Leadership Course, Combined Logistics Captains Career Course, and Command and General Staff College.--------------------This article was published in the October-December 2020 issue of Army Sustainment.RELATED LINKSArmy Sustainment homepageThe Current issue of Army Sustainment in pdf formatCurrent Army Sustainment Online ArticlesConnect with Army Sustainment on LinkedInConnect with Army Sustainment on Facebook, ARNORTH to oversee California COVID-19 response operation, Army researchers acquire two new supercomputers, Ansbach, Grafenwoehr and Vilseck Army health clinics begin COVID-19 vaccinations, Idaho Guard continues to assist with COVID-19 response, New medical device may change the face of battlefield treatment, Space break: An SMDC officer’s internship with SpaceX, 'Santa Todd' goes virtual to provide holiday joy to children, AFC remains future-focused while supporting present challenges, ‘Game-changing’ program enables COVID-19 patients to safely recover at home, Amid pandemic, Army initiative safely moves Soldiers home in time for Christmas, Soldier builds unbreakable bond with military working dog. 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