restricted dog breeds

Now back to my rough tough cream puff. Compared to dogs - human beings are the most aggressive based on your research (which is probably more than what you listed). Which is why State Farm Insurance, the largest insurance company who collects more data than the U.S. Government and makes policy decisions simply based on risks and underwriting, does not discriminate against this loosely defined group of breeds. Valley Terrier. In 2005, I purchased a Giant Schnauzer pup that was SO aggressive the vet had to tranquilize him JUST to get him to the operating room to be neutered. The trend in fatalities on children is for the child to be living in a home with a female pitbull owner or the child visits the female aunt, grandma.. etc. For this reason, many veterinary and scientific groups support "dangerous dog laws" which target individual dogs that have demonstrated a propensity to bite or attack innocent victims. That said, there's no reason that you should give up on an apartment with a breed restriction. It all starts with the search. The same holds true for German Shepard . Finally I agree they need to generalize. Pit bulls and similar looking breeds are THE most restricted breed when trying to find housing. They don't just wave their arms and guess. Is It True That Women Like Small Dogs and Men Like Big Dogs? He answered that he had two mixed breeds and while he wasn't sure about one of them he thought that the other appeared to be mostly Schipperke (pronounced "skipper-key"). The fine for not licensing is $500. The very scientists who have authored studies trying to determine a link between breed and aggressiveness oppose breed discrimination and BSL. Looking at the various uninsurable dog lists, I found a reasonable amount of variability as to which breeds were to be allowed or disallowed. Common Restricted Breeds. From the limited information (as I contend bad people are the problem) I would not say that all Rhodesian Ridgeback, Border Collie and Akita's should be placed on a bad breed list or regulated. However, you may find them at any rental property. Under a newly signed law, those breed restrictive bans will end. Mastiff. So pass on the sappy sad song late night commercials. Thus the Presa Canario was a dog breed that few people had heard of prior to the media coverage of a 2001 incident in San Francisco. If the stats are prorated, which dog breeds really do cause the most injuries? Do the underwriters have some PROOF that Great Danes are more likely to bite than Chihuahuas? Stafforshire Bull Terrier. Rabies and other diseases aren't going to care where they came from. I guess. If your dog has not been professionally trained, don't worry. The 14 most often blacklisted dog breeds were: Nonetheless, remember that each company draws up its own list based on its opinion of the risk the dog breed presents. Davina Ward is a contributing author at Apartment List and freelance writer specializing in real estate and digital marketing. The title “pit bull” has expanded so dramatically over the years that people are lumping any dog with a large head and short coat into that category rather than separating out each of the pit bull breeds. During my time with this company I had agents who died or quit. Even those that are may have imposed breed restrictions. These lists have various names depending on the company, such as "excluded dog breeds," "aggressive dog list," "insurance list of dangerous dogs," "prohibited dog breeds," and one simply labels it their "bad dog list." “Pit bulls in particular are often misidentified when a bite incident occurs, so reliable bite statistics related to the dogs’ breed are unreliable and serve no purpose.”. There should be a published list of insurance companies that falsely label breeds as aggressive. And, ALL DOGS NEED to be trained to become a Canine Good Citizen!!! That's a massive part of the population that has adopted an additional family member, whether they’re four-legged, flying, or anything in between! Breeds are selected for the restricted breed list not because of any fear of the breed itself, but reported cases of a particular breed have a particularly … If specific breeds are banned, owners of these breeds intent on using their dogs for malicious purposes, such as dog fighting or criminal activities, will simply change to another breed of dog and continue to jeopardize public safety. I later learned this dog had been, because he was not "Show Quality," left in a kennel with almost NO human interaction or socialization. Then go do some real research on the breed before making blanket comments. I found that to be excessive since it didn't cost much more then the 2 year old car I was trading in and had a $600 fender bender 12 years before that I wasn't at fault for. That seems like it would be a better measurement for insurance companies to follow to me. References should be a professional who has interacted with your dog on a semi-regular basis. I could list a whole bunch of dog breeds more aggressive than a Siberain Husky. These dogs were as sweet as can be. Sound huge what it doesn't say is homeowner liability claims are approx 3% of home owner claims so dog bite is 1% or less. I'd much rather have my so called aggressive breed that may just deter the "aggressive human being" from assault whereas if not allowed I may subject myself to assault or otherwise with little done by law enforcement. My sentiments exactly. Dog control legislation must be reasonable, non-discriminatory and enforceable as detailed in the AKC Position Statement. Another consideration is the weather and heat. He defines no parameters. Those include the target, whether the dog has been fixed, and training. She is just a mean little thing. My brother and I had a talk about getting counseling for my nephews. Although you love your pet, if they’re a breed that's on the list above, they might not be welcome in many apartment complexes. As in this article dog bites are a third of homeowner LIABILITY claims. Doberman Pinscher. Why in the World Do People Make These Types of Dogs? Those dogs bullied and bit those kids. It should also include any other specific details that can support your claims that your pet is safe and well-behaved. That means that it's already too late for the insurance company because they will have to cover the claim under the pre-existing unrestricted policy. Interesting, no males are targeted in ASPCA's campaign to indoctrinate the next generation of starving rescue angels. I want this comment to get published so I cant tell you my insurance companies names but a company with an A+ rating actually gives you a discount for having a German Shepherd. What about Miniature and Standard Schnauzers. The consequences can be dire, and it's never worth the trouble. Breed safety laws :: Over 900 U.S. cities have enacted breed-specific legislation and wolf-dog hybrid laws. I've been in rescue & kenneling for many years, and know from experience that, yes, big dogs have stronger jaws, so the bruising is worse than with little dog bites, but the little ones bite far more often and their bites can be just as bad in their own way. In Dog Attacks Is the Problem Bad Dogs or Bad Owners? All immigrants are criminals, all Germans are Nazis on and on. Although the teeth of dogs are not very sharp, they can exert a force of 200 to 450 psi. This is in spite of the fact that studies have shown that aggression in dogs cannot be accurately predicted by breed alone. Any kind of open wound from any domestic animal can be dangerous for the victims. Dachshunds? Not only would your landlord be well within their rights to terminate your lease agreement, but you could also be sued for willfully violating the agreement. However, there are other options for animals with a history of aggression or violence. Pit bulls and pit bull types are guilty of containing biters but I know not all are. Keep in mind, even dogs that are mixed with a restricted breed can be banned. “I Don’t Allow Men I Sleep with to Kiss Me", Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Improving Outcomes for Persons with Schizophrenia, 3 Ways We Can Be Tricked Into Liking Robots, How Pornography Use Affects Couples Sexual Health, Surprising Benefits of Physical Exercise on Sex and Orgasms. That is the true issue. You don't state or reference any. You can also show more complex commands, such as retrieving specific items. Rabies is not a huge problem and 100% curable I have owned a breed on this for well over 30 years "with not one" being aggressive - EVER. Chihuahuas were in second place, and Jack Russells were the third most aggressive breed. Of violent crimes in 2012, there were roughly 760 thousand aggravated assaults, 354 thousand robberies, 84 thousand forcible rapes and around 15 thousand murders and non-negligent manslaughters. View model and noted breed-specific ordinances and mandatory pit bull spaying and neutering ordinances. Wheres the owner, wheres the parents both have a responsibility. I just happen to OWN a German Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix Service Dog who is absolutely the SWEETEST dog I have EVER owned. A pit bull in a locked secured home sensed me and my dogs on the sidewalk. No I don;t think there is a high probability that I will be killed by a terrorist. However, they cause far less damage. Again, as insurance issues are one of the biggest challenges facing pets, it's easy to understand why landlords don't want to take on liability for your pet. While you might love your dog, the companies that carry the insurance for your house, apartment, or condominium might not. The problem is the way its portrayed I would say dogs are far more behaved than we are. They shouldn't be on this list. My perceptions and impressions can't be taken as gospel, but neither can the perceptions and impressions of underwriters. I fed it daily, talked to it all the time, and even took him for rides in my car when I had to run an errand. A lot of readers already know that some bigger dogs are misunderstood and unfairly labeled as aggressive breeds. “Decisions are made on a case by case basis for those instances,” State Farm spokeswoman Heather Paul told HuffPost. He data complies with no major breed registry. is not a credible source of information. Neither does the White House, Centers For Disease Control, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Bar Association, ASPCA, American Kennel Club, American Pet Dog Trainers Association, International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, American Animal Hospital Association, and the list goes on and on... Don't be anonymous bad boy if you are going to call somebody a idiot at least have the balls to let them know who your sissy ass is. I said yes I had a German Shepherd and between my homeowners and umbrella they went DOWN $40 a year. No specific scientific criteria are required for a dog breed to be blacklisted, and it is possible that simply one report in the media might be enough to cause an official in an insurance company to decide that one or another dog breed is dangerous. You know how many hours of training your pet has had and its general temperament. My other friends Yorkie used to bite as well. Where a Chihuahua bite can be nasty, a bite from a large breed can be catastrophic and even deadly. But Ms Alldis, 42, said a witness had only said the dog … Don’t blame the dog……..Blame the owner. Years ago I was attacked by a German Shepherd. He cites no specific sources. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. As a result, the owner of these dogs is now serving a sentence of 15 years to life in prison. But before I offer ANY opinion (pro OR con) about blacklisting breeds, I need to know if there have been any reliable studies showing that the breeds in question bite significantly more often than other breeds. They are curious and wonder who that person is. Breed restrictions are generally imposed on dogs that are considered large, noisy, dangerous, or uncontrollable. According to AKC the second most popular dog in America. The horrified owner was too terrified to approach her own dog. In many of the CDC studies, the scientists cautioned against using their incomplete data on attacks to make knee-jerk legislative or policy decisions based solely on breed. Are insurance company blacklists based on the record or on perceptions that may be as fallible as my own? Haven't had personal experience with them but my impression is their teddy bears. From a statistical point of view it would include Border Collie as involved in incident. I am however a responsible owner. Investing. Restricted dogs. Although it may be easy to hide your pet from your landlord or property manager, that course of action puts you at serious risk. If so, I'd like to see it. The Customs administration is involved in monitoring the import of these breeds of dog. Apparently you don't know what FACT means. I stayed with them through many cars, a few houses and an umbrella policy when I got into my 40's. I repeat: I understand perfectly why insurance companies are worried about dog bites. Wow, are a responsible owner. But the actual costs can be much higher. However, your landlord doesn't. The pit bull broke down the locked door of the home to attack my dog, breaking both the door and the door jamb. The woman sued the dogs' owners whose homeowners' policies were unfortunately limited to $100,000 each.". For those of you who don't know the breed, Schipperkes are small, black, fox-faced little dogs with a height of around 12 inches (30 cm) and weight of around 15 pounds (7 kg). Under current law, cities in Washington state are allowed to prohibit residents from keeping certain breeds of dogs within the city limits. It is important to realize that some breeds and conditions for live animal shipping can face travel restrictions. Attacks on me don't create any FACTS. MAYBE they deserve to be. They are aloof with… If you're a responsible pet owner with a well-behaved dog, you may be able to get past any breed restriction with a bit of luck and hard work. Your entitled to live in hysterical fear but its not FACTUAL. Also, it doesn't take a genius to comprehend that an aggressive dog is often made that way by an "aggressive, cruel, thoughtless human being" - the human should be banned not the dog. In attacks where guide dogs were injured, dogs belonging to bull breeds were the most common aggressors (41.5 per cent)...Most injuries to people occurred in attacks involving an aggressor belonging to a bull breed (52.6 per cent).”, “During the one-year period between June 1986 and June 1987, 14 people were killed by dogs in the United States. Shih Tzu. Now that we know breed specific information is unreliable, what can we look at? Note: For the carriage of cats and dogs, we recommend that you obtain a veterinary certificate certifying that the animal does not fall within any of the above categories. You may also need to carry liability insurance or display a dangerous dog … Pomeranians? … Sadly, one viciously attacked my best friend in June 2020 as she reached down to pet it and mauled her in the face. ... Like many other dog breeds on the banned list, Dobermans get a bad reputation as aggressive and violent dogs. But the larger question remains: Great Danes are on that blacklist but St. Bernards and Irish Wolfhounds are not. If you're looking to rent an apartment and are a dog owner, make sure you understand breed restrictions before you submit your application and fee. If you look at the studies themselves their own statements are DO NOT DRAW ANY CONCLUSIONS data and how obtained how reliable itself is much of the problem. Whether you own an Akita or another restricted or banned dog breed, some cities don’t ban breeds outright, but they require you to handle the dog like he’s a dangerous dog. It is exactly that kind of statement the blows it out of proportion. A vet would be an excellent reference. Over 85 million American families, or about .css-1nsr2l5{font-size:14px;font-weight:400;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:#5702af;}.css-1nsr2l5:hover{color:#5702af;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1nsr2l5:active{color:#8434d6;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1nsr2l5:visited{color:#8434d6;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}67% of households, own a pet. , roughly nine billion that year are only 2.7 % of claims severe injuries and, if necessary, bite. Died or quit the banned list, Dobermans get a bad reputation as aggressive and violent dogs ``. To attacking and injuring people than other breeds it can be banned wound from any domestic animal be. The questions on the sidewalk blanket comments home that works for both them and their pet just happen own! Be imported nocturnal therapy asking for evidence that the bacteria in a locked secured home sensed me and dogs... 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